Japanese Culture

Recommended Japanese Drama.日本のおすすめドラマ

Be honest I wasn’t totally  interested in watching Japanese drama until my husband recommended.

I thought drama’s typical love or comedy story are so ridiculous.
Also it seems too much commercialise about music, fashion, location and casts.

I refuse husbands suggestion, watching Japanese drama together, for long time.
However, I found out some drama are so interesting.

I am recommending best drama for you.

It’s also good to know culture and study Japanese language.

If you like children, and want to heel your feeling. I recommend to watch this drama.

Marumo no Okite 

Twins lost their parents. Relatives arrange to adopt them but they should live in different  family place.
One guy who is friend of their father offer to look after them. Then twins, a dog and the guy start living together.

I moved a lot and sometimes shed tears. It’s great to watch with family.

If you like detective, mystery and phycology story, “Maou”,魔王,”Devil King” is the best.
while I and husband traveled country side, we brought this DVD and could not help watching.
Finally whole day we sticked in front of  TV in the hotel room.

The story is that one student was killed by class mate 11 years ago.
Murderer’s justice was not guilty as his wealthy and politician father hide and manipulate the truth with some lawyer.
The victim’s brother decided to revenge the family.
He becomes lawyer and close to the family. He made smart brain tricks for killing family.

I just introduce two dramas today, but I will update more later!

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