Country side / Festival / History / Japanese Culture / Tohoku / Tradition / Travel

Namahage Sedo Festival なまはげ柴灯(せど)祭り

なまはげ柴灯(せど)祭り, Namahage Sedo Festivali starts 8th to 10tu February in Akita, Tohoku. Namahage is a devil. People believe that the devil causes fortune and to keep off evil. In old days, lazy people often get blisters cause by low temperature burns from staying in front of braziers or open hearth for long time. So, people … Continue reading

Activity for children / Country side / History / Japanese Culture / Tradition / Travel

Folded Paper Crane 折鶴

One day, I and my friend had a couple of coffee at cafe in Sydney. While we were chatting , we made many Orizuru, folded paper crane. Many cafe customers were coming to our seats and asked us about orizuru. Orizuru, Ori meaning “holding” and Turu meaning “crane” ,is one of the most popular Origami … Continue reading

History / Japanese Culture / People / Tradition

Japanese Royal Family 天皇家

Japanese Royal family is the symbol of peace, what I learned in school. However, I heard many sad news from them recently and many foreigners ask me about Japanese royal family, especially about princess Masako. Book: Princess Masako I researched about her news and being surprised of  that many Japanese people criticise her. Because mass media … Continue reading

Food / History / Japanese Culture / Tradition

Fake Japanese Restaurant 偽の日本料理店

I had funny experience in Sydney, Australia. I often miss Japanese food and go to Japanese restaurant with my family. Some Japanese restaurant’s service, menu and staff are not really Japanese. Most of those restaurant are managed by Korean or Chinese. For example, they only say two Japanese words. When customers are coming into restaurant, … Continue reading

Crafts / History / Japanese Culture / People / Tradition

Knowing Real value 本当の価値を知る

A kimono craftsman had bad experience and talked us. One day,he had a performance show at department store’s event. Two of Kimono worn women came and looked around his booth. One woman was interested in his work and said him “Could I buy this one?” However, another woman disturbed her and commented that “Are you … Continue reading

Art / Crafts / History / Japanese Culture / People / Tohoku / Tradition

Making Japanese Paper in Tohoku 東北で和紙を作る

Before I was talking about this Japanese paper production, Miyama Japanese Paper Centre, in Shirataka City in Yamagata,Tohoku. In 20th January, the first process of making hand-made Japanese paper was starting with local people. 800 kg local Kouzo tree, Japanese tissue, were divined three sheaves. Each one was steaming for three hours by special steaming machine. As … Continue reading

Animation / History / Japanese Culture / Media / Tradition

Learning from Hayao Miyazaki 宮崎駿からの教え

In the university, attended the Japanese Folklore class. learned the important ethics and wisdoms from old generation. Japanese traditional huntsman or woodman respect nature. They are doing certain level of limited work, it doesn’t do extra hunting animals or cutting woods, because they don’t  want to suffer natural environment. They know how they can control … Continue reading

Art / Artist / Country side / History / Japanese Culture / Tradition

Japanese Painting 日本画

I regretted that I didn’t study Japanese painting in Japan. When I was uni student, I studied about design and illustration in that time, I thought Japanese painting is old fashion and conservative. Moreover, many things are annoying, must use many complicated tools, knee on the floor or buy art materials are expensive. I excused … Continue reading