Art / Japanese Culture

Haruki Murakami’s Book 村上春樹の本

I like Haruki Murakami’s book. His writing expression inspires strong imagination. Many artists like his book because of it . Most of his story doesn’t  finish clear ending. I red “Kafka on the shore” . The end of this story is also a bit Incompleteness. Also I red and love “Sputnik Sweetheart” as this story … Continue reading

Japanese Culture

Recommended Japanese Drama.日本のおすすめドラマ

Be honest I wasn’t totally  interested in watching Japanese drama until my husband recommended. I thought drama’s typical love or comedy story are so ridiculous. Also it seems too much commercialise about music, fashion, location and casts. I refuse husbands suggestion, watching Japanese drama together, for long time. However, I found out some drama are so interesting. … Continue reading